Flashback Four: The Lincoln Project by Dan Gutman

Published: February 23, 2016
My Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Historical Fiction
Series: Flashback Four book 1
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Luke, David, Julia, and Isabel live completely different lives, but when the mysterious Madame Z (who is a billionaire) recruits them for a top-secret mission, their fates are intertwined resulting in the time of their lives. Madame Z is a collecter or rare and old photographs and she's sending the kids back in time to November 19, 1863, to get a picture of President Abraham Lincoln giving his famous Gettysburg Address in Pennsylvania.
I probably would have never picked up this book if I wasn't at the Battle of Gettysburg museum. We were on vacation in Pennsylvania and I had already finished the three books I brought along with us. After 10 minutes of browsing the store, this was the only thing that looked seemingly interesting. This one was the only one that sparked my interest.
In the end, the book was amazing. Not only was it a good history lesson, teaching kids the firsts sentence or two of the Gettsyburg Adress, but it was a great book. The story was never slow and moved along nicely.